Online complaint process for FESCO bill issues.

FESCO bill online complaint

Facing an issue with your FESCO bill? From inflated charges to incorrect meter readings, navigating the complexities of your electricity bill can be an exasperating experience.

Fortunately, FESCO offers an online complaint system designed to streamline the process and get your concerns addressed swiftly.

This comprehensive guide demystifies the FESCO bill online complaint platform, empowering you to tackle billing errors effectively. With clear instructions, insightful tips, and helpful FAQs, you’ll be equipped to file a compelling complaint and secure a swift resolution.

FESCO Bill Online Complaint Guide

FESCO’s online complaint platform empowers you to register your concerns conveniently and efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

1. Navigate to the FESCO website:

Access the  FESCO Online Complaint Portal or utilize the FESCO mobile app.

Fill the Complain Form by entering these information:

  • Enter Complainant’s Name and Father/Husband’s Name: This field is mandatory. Enter your full name and your father’s or husband’s name (if applicable).
  • Enter Address (House/Flat No, Street/Gali/Road, Village/Muhalla/Sector, Tehsil): This field is mandatory. Enter your complete address, including your house/flat number, street/gali/road, village/muhalla/sector, and tehsil.
  • Select Country: Select your country from the dropdown list.
  • Select City: Select your city from the dropdown list.
  • Enter Phone No: Enter your phone number, including the country code.
  • Enter Cell/Whatsapp No: Enter your cell phone number or WhatsApp number, including the country code (if applicable).
  • Enter Fax No: Enter your fax number, including the country code (if applicable).
  • Enter CNIC No: Enter your CNIC number.
  • Enter E Mail Address: Enter your email address.
  • Enter Passport No: Enter your passport number (if applicable).
  • Enter Against Person if any: Enter the name of the person against whom you are filing the complaint, if any.
  • Enter Matter of complaint: Describe the matter of your complaint in detail.
  • Enter Consumer/Agency Ref. No: Enter the consumer/agency reference number, if any.
  • Select Agency: Select the agency against which you are filing the complaint from the dropdown list.
  • Select Agency Sub Office: Select the agency sub office from the dropdown list, if applicable.
  • Enter Complaint Subject: Enter a brief subject for your complaint.
  • Attach Document Related to Complaint: Attach any documents related to your complaint, if any.

2. Provide Accurate Information:

Clearly outline your complaint, including specific details like your reference number, meter reading, bill period, and nature of the problem. Attach any supporting documents, such as scans of your bill or meter reading log.

3. Submit and Track:

Review your complaint for accuracy and submit it after confirmation. You’ll receive a unique complaint reference number for future tracking.

4. Stay Informed:

Keep an eye on your complaint status through the online portal or by contacting FESCO customer service. You’ll receive updates on the progress and resolution through your preferred communication channel.

Key Strategies for Complaint’s Power

To maximize your chances of a favorable resolution, follow these helpful tips:

1. Be Clear and Concise: Provide factual information and a specific description of your issue. Avoid emotional language or accusations.

2. Gather Evidence: Attach relevant documents as proof, such as bill copies, meter reading logs, or communication records with FESCO.

Actively track your complaint status and don’t hesitate to contact FESCO if you don’t receive updates within a reasonable timeframe.

3. Be Patient and Persistent: Resolving billing issues can take time. Stay courteous and persistent in your communication with FESCO representatives.

Common Reasons for FESCO Bill Complaints

Image illustrating the reasons for FESCO bill complaints, highlighting potential issues and concerns related to FESCO billing, providing visual context for the associated content.

Before delving into the online complaint mechanism, let’s explore the most frequent reasons why customers resort to filing complaints:

  • Billing Discrepancies: Unusually high charges, inaccurate meter readings, or misapplication of tariffs can lead to inflated bills.
  • Hidden Charges & Surcharges: Unclear or unexpected charges on your bill, such as late payment fees or unexplained taxes, can raise eyebrows.
  • Connection Issues: Problems with new connections, disconnections due to alleged non-payment, or faulty metering equipment can be frustrating and require rectification.
  • Billing Delays or Missing Bills: Receiving bills late or not receiving them at all can disrupt your payment schedule and create inconvenience.
  • Customer Service Concerns: Unresponsive customer service representatives or difficulty accessing information can exacerbate billing issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions to address potential concerns:

Do I need to file a complaint in person?

No, the online complaint system is available 24/7 for your convenience.

What languages can I use to file a complaint?

You can file your complaint in English or Urdu.

Can I track the status of my complaint through the mobile app?

Yes, the FESCO mobile app allows you to track your complaint status, view updates, and receive notifications.

What happens if FESCO rejects my complaint?

If your complaint is rejected, you can request a review or file an appeal with the relevant FESCO authorities.

What happens after I submit my complaint online?

FESCO will review your complaint and assign it to the appropriate department for investigation. You will receive updates on the progress of your case via email or SMS.

How long will it take to resolve my complaint?

The timeframe for resolving complaints can vary depending on the complexity of the issue. However, FESCO aims to resolve most complaints within 15 working days.

Can I file a complaint offline?

Yes, you can also file a complaint by calling FESCO customer service at 118 or visiting your nearest FESCO office.

What if I’m not satisfied with the resolution of my complaint?

If you’re not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can escalate it to the relevant authorities, such as the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA).


With the knowledge and tools provided in this guide, you are now equipped to tackle any FESCO bill complaint head-on. Remember, clear communication, factual evidence, and persistent follow-up are your allies in navigating the complaint process. By utilizing the online platform effectively, you can ensure a fair and timely resolution to your billing concerns and reclaim control over your electricity bill.

Remember, we are here to help! If you have any further questions or need assistance filing your FESCO bill complaint, feel free to leave a comment below or contact FESCO customer service directly.

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